HIA - Holiday Inn Aylesbury
HIA stands for Holiday Inn Aylesbury
Here you will find, what does HIA stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holiday Inn Aylesbury? Holiday Inn Aylesbury can be abbreviated as HIA What does HIA stand for? HIA stands for Holiday Inn Aylesbury. What does Holiday Inn Aylesbury mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HIA
- Hemp Industries Association
- Hobby Industry Association
- Health Insurance Associate
- Health Information Administration
- Hobby Industries Association
- Hostelling International - Austin
- Hamad International Airport
- Hayah International Academy
View 65 other definitions of HIA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HUC Hands Up Communications
- HTS Hands That Serve
- HSP Hacienda San Pedro
- HOI Heartland Optical Inc
- HWIL Henry White Insurance Ltd.
- HTPL Hemisphere Technologies Pty Ltd
- HSG Highline Staffing Group
- HRC Hydrologic Research Ctr
- HEDS Houston Energy Data Science
- HCISL Home Counties Insurance Services Limited
- HMGLL HMG Links Ltd
- HSOFW Halifax Summer Opera Festival and Workshop
- HRE Hallmark Real Estate
- HCDL Human Capital Development Ltd
- HRSDI Hampton Roads Sanitation District Inc
- HSP Home Savings Programs
- HWA Hanson Watson Associates
- HA Harrington and Associates
- HVFD Hebron Volunteer Fire Department
- HPI Hendley Properties Inc